Meiran Zhiyenbayev
Meiran Zhiyenbayev
@Hexodus Thanks for your contribution. It is a good recommendation. We have other datapackages with hyphen sign in the column names. We will take this into account for the future...
@rufuspollock It is already in JSL datasets, but it is not on core offering.
@rufuspollock It has not published yet as I could not find on the DataHub, but it was on their list of datasets. We have to discuss it on Friday with...
@rufuspollock Sure, I will report you soon
@rufuspollock I checked all 3 resources which are: * OECD Monthly Exchange Rates - it is only until 2011 - * Foreign exchange rates from US federal reserve -...
@rufuspollock Yes, annually. Time coverage since 1971. We cannot automate US Federal Reserve data, it is bit complicated(zip with 148 csv files,plus some logic to merge them), but we can...