I did that grpc-dump --port=8082 > start_core1.dump I let the client doing is request and when it's done I ended the dump with Ctrl+c All requests are starting with {...
For future, are you able to provide the line number with the error?
@pawelmalak if you comment this line https://github.com/pawelmalak/flame/blob/3c347c854c4c55456785ff026a703422d8f02f62/.docker/Dockerfile#L28C1-L28C1 and both options will work as expected otherwise the Environment varialble PASSWORD already defined in your image has priority and the secret will...
@bendbennett, do you know if anyone that may help with that ?
@wakeful I could try, but after I will not able to do anything. I'm not working for HashiCorp. @bendbennett do we have to do anything else to have it reviewed...
I did it here, but some part is missing regarding the message signing and I did not test with the log file https://github.com/MikaelFerland/mavlink.net/tree/protocol_upgrade
@MartinStokelj I follow the protocol here https://mavlink.io/en/guide/mavlink_2.html and it's backward compatible with MAVLink v1.0 @dsuarezv could I do a pull request?
Your right I forgot this part.
They fix it here https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/pull/11101/commits/30ccb784a62c2bcee98cdd14d6114fb29d20e94e