Mika Simanainen

Results 41 comments of Mika Simanainen

This is very advanced user setting, but i can see use for that.

Tested this and can't reproduce. 2.1.0 web api seems to be same as before

Addon is written to be cross platform and it propably would work with some quirks. There's a [Chrome fork](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/torrent-clipper/cmhdhpcfabppigjedlenkmleklplflhp) which propably can be installed in Opera. My bigest concern is...

Yes, you are trying to add a web page. This often happens when you accidentally click a link to a torrents details page instead of torrent.

This is most likely a change in a way that specific site authenticates it's users. Sites using other methods than a get parameter or a cookie won't work. Hopefully Mozilla...

Problem with auto login is that most clients are not secure enought to counter CSRF attacks. qBittorrent is pretty much the only client that novadays has proper checks in place...

This happens when rTorrent is running in a container or other type of jail preventing it from seeing the real server address. As rTorrent can't see the real address this...

Rutorrent change was done in april ([345dbe5](https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent/commit/345dbe58a892f1d05b7e6235d630b0bb6741229e)). Previously redirect was just a relative path without hostname.

I tested to handle redirects manually, but it may not be possible or atleast it's going to need some hacky solution. By the current fetch [specification ](https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#atomic-http-redirect-handling) there's no way...

In that case your server address should be configured as `https://myip/rutorrent/`. I think there may be cases that prevent rutorrent from seeing the proper path due path rewriting on reverse...