
Results 37 comments of Mihai

Hi, I'm having an issue with making replaceTrack work when a peer reconnect. Somehow the track i try to replace is not in the connection because I get an error,...

+1 Also interested in this one because I also see thee peer.on('connect') event not triggering by itself and happing to make manual rerenders in order to trigger it and get...

Hi, having the same issue. `Error: Connection failed. at makeError (index.js:17:1) at Peer._onConnectionStateChange (index.js:654:1) at RTCPeerConnection.Peer._pc.onconnectionstatechange (index.js:119:1) ` Sometimes, if I disconnect and destroy the connection before leaving and then...

Hi, I'm also interested in this because when let's say you are changing your camera and for convenience, we assume you have added to the connection from the start a...

Hi, I'm having the same issue... anyone has a clear solution or something to help me debug this because is not clear why this happens.

Hei, what to do if the status box is "Ready to submit"??? What should i do to get the product "active"

Hei, any update regarding the async matter? Or has anyone found a solution on how to pass to the encryptTransform function an async **secretKey** ? Thanks

Hi, For some kind of reason with different icons for the splash screen, it works just fine, but the current one that I have for the project I am having...

Thank you... I guess I will have to find a different solution. Thanks for the help.