@lyanco Any news on this? I've created a deployment for kube-state-metrics but the metrics that come from it have "exported_namespace" and other "exported_XXXX" labels that mess up my rules and...
Hey @pintohutch @lyanco Indeed those are the labels. After replacing my kube-state-metrics with the one in the link given by @lyanco , I no longer see those `exported` labels, it's...
Hi @alexsomesan This is on a GKE cluster version 1.22.10-gke.600
Any news on this? @alexsomesan
Hello, was any decision or implementation reached? We currently use vault to store our connection config and would like to either inject it via vault-injector our use Secrets Store CSI...
Apologies if I wasn't clear, I meant that we store secrets like database passwords, hostnames, etc in Vault. I would like for KafkaConnector to use these secrets for its config,...
I'd rather not pollute this board with duplicates. My issue is literally the same as https://github.com/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator/issues/5277 word for word. This issue https://github.com/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator/issues/3693 seems like the main issue for this feature...
Any news on this? Anything was decided meanwhile? @yeya24 @simonpasquier I would like to use compaction as I want prometheus to be as fast as possible
Hey @Cellebyte I'm having the same issue, could you clarify better how you fixed it? As per Thanos documentation: _"It is recommended to keep partial response as abort for alerts...
@slashpai did you manage to work on this further? I don't mind helping, is there a branch you are working on?