Robert Miethaner
Robert Miethaner
Added functions and endpoints for helm update and status. Also fixed minor issues with packages and removed duplicate content from get release.
Deploying OSCM including the REST API produces the following warning for every REST related class: [glassfish 4.1] [WARNING] [AS-WEB-UTIL-00035] [javax.enterprise.web.util] [tid: _ThreadID=49 _ThreadName=admin-listener(4)] [timeMillis: 1490886036513] [levelValue: 900] [[ Unable to...
[Version] 16.1 fix7+ 2017/03/30 [How to reproduce] 1. Configure default tenant (D) and one additional tenant (A) 2. Create Marketplace Owner and Marketplace in D 3. Create Marketplace Owner and...
For security improvements the tokens should be asymmetrically encrypted.