Tyler Resch
Tyler Resch
The reason behind calling these "vulnerable to supply-chain attacks" stems from @RIAEvangelist: - authoring the [commit](https://github.com/RIAEvangelist/node-ipc/blob/847047cf7f81ab08352038b2204f0e7633449580/dao/ssl-geospec.js) behind CVE-2022-23812 - publicly stating ([citation](https://github.com/RIAEvangelist/peacenotwar/blob/8f4e3270adb0f3b95002c53f818e4ff39290377e/README.md?plain=1#L3)): > This code serves as a [...] example...
This will fix #12
> @MidSpike How do I install your version of this package to remove the critical vulnerabilities brought by 'safe-eval'? @bhawnishk I'm not entirely sure if this is correct, but after...
> @MidSpike I tried `npm i shikar/NODE_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE#pull/4` but keep getting 403 (Forbidden). I just realized you might have to do it with `github:`: `npm i github:shikar/NODE_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE#pull/4` > Wondering if LibreTranslate...
My pull request can fix these: https://github.com/shikar/NODE_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE/pull/4 For now I have been using my own fork: https://github.com/MidSpike/NODE_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE (You should fork my fork b/c I don't know how much longer I...