Yibo Wei

Results 16 comments of Yibo Wei

It is actually possible with some popular icon themes like papirus or breeze. We can probably add an option to automatically apply a colored papirus icon pack. But I don't...

Did you try `sudo dnf update`? That solved my problem, but it was not exactly the same as yours.

Update: Chromium 99 behaves the same as Firefox under Wayland

Try to make clipping on each edge 1px in `mutter_settings`, this will effectively remove the original borders provided by your GTK Theme. If you still want the border, set the...

Try to look for GTK themes that provide transparent components. For example WhiteSur has transparent favorite bar for nautilus, you can use the theme and set opacity to blurred windows...

It happened in both Wayland and X11 sessions

> Can you be more specific where you see this? Android app, web app? > > The generated attachment URL is based on the `base-url` configured in the `server.yml` file....

![Screenshot_20221021-135448](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68882116/197287090-f31e023f-a126-415f-8c03-7caf9e950d4b.png) From here it seems like the base url should be used, but I've tested multiple times that this is not including the port number

I found the problem here. `systemctl restart ntfy` does not reload configuration. I had to do `systemctl stop ntfy; systemctl start ntfy`