Hi, some Keyrune icons' class names don't match MTGJSON: Amonkhet invocations (mp2 vs AKH_MPS) Kaladesh Inventions (mp1 vs MPS) and others. Is this intentional?
Every avatar (eg Sliver Queen Avatar ) in the Vanguard set has the type set to "Vanguarg" instead of Avatar(i think because they're wrong on gatherer too). Some of them...
I'm training a transformer model on a corpus of 30M sentences with the following command line parameters: ```bash MARIAN_EXEC=~/marian-dev/build/marian ${MARIAN_EXEC} \ --devices 0 \ --type transformer \ --model ${MODEL_HOME_DIR}/model_en-it.npz \...
Hello, I'm trying to compile marian on a node with an IBM POWER9 AC922 CPU. I was able to overcome some errors of g++ complaining about -march flag, changing -march...
### Bug description I'm trying to train a model with a corpus of 55M sentences and a devset of 6k sentences. I use a shared sentencepiece vocabulary with size 60k....