Michał Staruch
Michał Staruch
@apaprocki I will rather skip experimental version, but surely verify this when new stable release is available. Thanks for the info!
Support for node.js 0.12.x will be dropped on December 2016 (see the [Farewell to Node.js v5, Preparing for v7](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/community/v5-to-v7/) article) and io.js was merged back to node.js in 2015 (since...
I didn't see any response here for over a month, so I've also reported it on the Blender side (I am not sure who updates the plugin - the addon...
@alessandro-zomparelli I talked a bit with Blender team on https://blender.chat/channel/blender-coders today, and it seems they would just need a commit from you (as the addon author) to the blender-addons repo...