Michał Koziorowski
Michał Koziorowski
Fix: ``` ALTER TABLE shelly_plugs_meter1 set type BYPASS WAL ALTER TABLE shelly_plugs_temperature1 set type BYPASS WAL ``` and QuestDB restart, and ``` ALTER TABLE shelly_plugs_meter1 set type WAL ALTER TABLE...
Hi @mattfarina Is there any chance to get this merged? This seems quite easy fix.
Terragrunt run-all evaluates locals of not included modules when --terragrunt-strict-include is used
Hi. Are there any news with PR for this bug? I have really ugly workarounds in my TG modules because of this (filling not needed env variables with fake values...
Terragrunt run-all evaluates locals of not included modules when --terragrunt-strict-include is used
I just started to see "new" version of this bug. - If not included module evaluates locals, deployment fails. - If not included module evaluates inputs, I see errors but...
Terragrunt run-all evaluates locals of not included modules when --terragrunt-strict-include is used
Hi @denis256. I see that there is a draft PR attached to this issue. Do you maybe plan to have this finished?
It must be some threading issue or related to the order in which operations are performed in terragrunt. If I replace the reference to working dir: ``` fileexists("${get_working_dir()}/config/region/${local.common_env_vars.inputs.cluster_region}.tfvars") ? ["${get_working_dir()}/config/region/${local.common_env_vars.inputs.cluster_region}.tfvars"]...
We don't have ackTimeout and it still happens. In my case, my topic has only one partition.
It might be fixed with https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/22352. Need to check...
@michalcukierman Could you recheck your case? I've checked my case and I can't reproduce with 3.0.4 client while it was easily reproducible with 3.0.1. Test with version that includes https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/22352...
Could you try with pulsar client 2.11.2 instead of 3.x.x? I'm not sure if my issue is exactly same as yours, but it goes away with client 2.11.2 (with server...