Wow, this is old... but I really consider that a very big part of the game experience when playing IRL. And sure, you can script it... but if you want...
"difficult to prove that someone is cheating" is the case in many other situations, too. That's not, IMHO, a reason to not implement it as an option. On Mon, Feb...
So make it configurable? (is it used by anyone else?) On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 10:50 PM, Michael Yanovich wrote: > > That is a valid point, but I...
And don't forget to penalize those who don't (extra cards, not just "you don't win") On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 10:58 PM, Michael Yanovich wrote: > > Ah, I'd...
Well, on one hand that may be true, but I feel like sending the full warning text in the message won't really hurt the issue. In fact, it may even...
Do you know of any code that controls Switcher via the online service (the way the app does in non-Local mode?)
Looking at the API briefly, it appears that the way this is done through the API is to get the current policy object, modify it, and then call the update...
Looks like it goes beyond just that - having deleted the offending debug lines, the code also seems to use `argparse.BooleanOptionalAction`, which was added in Python 3.9. Don't know what...
Another possibility that comes to mind would be to simply have a way of running the upgrade within the base image... Any reason that wouldn't be feasible?
Any progress on this? The Bitcoin Core 0.11.0 release cycle has started, with the first RC tagged, and if at all possible I'd like to have this fixed (and ideally...