Not really getting what you mean????? Need to collaborate more? What I mean by CHS parameter is that in-situ should have a option for CHS partition IDs like for example...
Yes I know , I started that forum post. Its only a request for a parameter to change the ID
I really don't need that, I already recompiled it , with the change in the partition ID to make fat12/16 a 0x06 partition ID. I am pretty sure it's easy...
I mean I need it, and other people could use this improvement as well. my compile is temporary , until a solution added to the main code base. as well...
hey yaya2007 , I tried your version ( what you send me to download) , It works great, I like this compiled version than my own.
I will test the grldr whenever I can . I think the --in-situ=CHS really wasn't necessary because that would only be useful with older MS-DOS and other compatible OS. The...
Tested the new compile , it works great :)
@steve6375 I really don't get how Windows 3.1x protected mode still works ? Since Windows 3.1x is a protected mode OS. But I think windows 3.1x still uses the BIOS...
@thephantom1492 What about the option to upload a op amp model? Maybe the option of uploading a op amp spice model, could allow different op amps?