Michael Tiernan

Results 10 comments of Michael Tiernan

This too seems to be related to #323 and #333

I will add a datapoint here. I downloaded the deb file from the webpage and tried to install and it complained that: ``` remarkable : Depends: gir1.2-webkit-3.0 but it is...

I missed that this is the same as #323

I'd have to reinvestigate but my initial scan of the reports I saw implied a common thread. While not authoritative I thought it was wise to raise a flag on...

Then your docs should show a tag specifically because on docker hub, the pull command states `docker pull grocy/nginx` which defaults to `docker pull grocy/nginx:latest` it seems which means the...

> a few described in {OPINION:Personal} The issue s/he is describing is a procedural problem and it strikes me that s/he was having a bad day and railed against people...

OS Was/Is Mac and also Linux. I was attempting to build in a Dropbox folder (not always the best choice but I was forced to do it this way.) The...

Here's a blip showing where pathname irregularities cause it trouble: ```sh mct@mct-K73E:{src}: qmake -r Info: creating stash file /home/mct/Dropbox (company)/Workspace/Github/qvge/src/.qmake.stash Reading /home/mct/Dropbox (company)/Workspace/Github/qvge/src/3rdParty/ogdf-2020/ogdf-2020.pro Reading /home/mct/Dropbox (company)/Workspace/Github/qvge/src/3rdParty/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertybrowser.pro Reading /home/mct/Dropbox (company)/Workspace/Github/qvge/src/3rdParty/qsint-widgets/qsint-widgets.pro Reading...

Okay.... I did this on a kubuntu machine. Step 1) clone repository Step 2) attempt `qmake -r ` ``` mct@mct-K73E:src$ qmake -r Info: creating stash file /dev/shm/duh/qvge/src/.qmake.stash Reading /dev/shm/duh/qvge/src/3rdParty/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertybrowser.pro Project...

Not *quite* the same thing. Instead of those of us with limited ability hammering together something that may work, it might make more sense for it to be a part...