Michael Martin
Michael Martin
Literal values and its datatypes are selected via getComponentElements!
OK, Ivan did an update of the dataset to create a workaround. Is it possible Konrad that you create an Observation in the example dataset to address this issue?
Just use it. It follows a Frontend / Backend pattern. If the Cache is disabled it will be initialised with a NULL Backend. I provided a code snippet in #173
> Why not simply add this parameter simply to the URL as it is now? If you are able to proof that it is always there then use it.
``` @base . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dc: . @prefix qb: . @prefix ex: . @prefix exdsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Example DataCube...
I think, additionally we should think about re-enabling the measurement selection in the data selection module. If there are observation with multiple measurements that uses the same measurement property, the...
and leave out ambiguous values from chart but let them in the legend and mark them red with the icon showing the same dialog as used in #141