### Describe This Problem Can Ceresdb support default value for columns something like `timestamp = now()` ### Proposal * In Oceanbase, I can record data insert time, like gmt_create =...
### Describe This Problem Datatype `Decimal` is popular used in finance scene, should we support it? And I found datafusion had support `Decimal` in https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion/issues/122 ### Proposal Support `Decimal` datatype...
### Describe this problem Write table fail when field name is `timestamp`, I know `timestamp` is a keyword in CeresDB, but can we remove this restrict in sdk. ``` [2023-05-24...
### Describe this problem logs like this: ``` 2023-01-03 19:51:49.824 INFO [server/src/handlers/sql.rs:115] sql handler try to process request, request_id:3619, request:Request { query: "CREATE TABLE SPM_637057036_INFLUENCE_DEFAULT(period timestamp NOT NULL ,TraceId string...
### Describe This Problem Recently CeresDb always return `Table Not Found` In different error cases. Maybe it is useful to add some new error codes to distinguish. ### Proposal -...
**Describe this problem** It occurs `Table not found` when aliasing a table name in sql **Steps to reproduce** Run this sql with sdk ``` select * from `SPM_2197803522_INFLUENCE_DEFAULT` t1 WHERE...
### Check Before Asking - [X] Please check the issue list and confirm this bug is encountered for the first time. - [X] Please try full text in English and...