I can confirm that using self.grid.save(filename, binary) works. No worries that you can't get to it right away with the fix, I understand - am also swamped!
I had the same experience as you. In the end I had to go through a trial and error process varying the flags/variables to the tetrahedralize command. A working example...
Tetgen from the command line does not have the same problem. It's really robust code. I kept hammering away at finding work arounds within the wrapper library to get it...
Yes this is a great idea. Will start looking into this this weekend.
Sorry all for the delay. I've been swamped lately on multiple fronts. I've added a release (v1.0) for surfe 3 weeks ago. @lachlangrose Thanks very much for getting a setup.py...
There could be two options: 1) a stand alone C++ library - surfe 2) python version of surfe that uses the pybind11 bindings which depend on the C++ library. This...