Michael Chirico
Michael Chirico
I think this is closed by #166 (just not marked as such by the PR)
> data.frames are lists of vectors of primitive types: This is not true. It's quite easy to create nested data.frame structures ```r DF = data.frame(a=1:10) DF$l = as.list(DF$a) DF$nested =...
`?data.frame` describes the class thus: > The function `data.frame()` creates data frames, tightly coupled collections of variables which share many of the properties of matrices and of lists, used as...
`data.table` also defines `.N` as `NULL` and `:=` to be a dummy function. `.N` and `:=` are done with non-standard evaluation within `[.data.table` -- we examine the expression and look...
Another option is to deterministically ensure `1:15` are present, e.g. instead of `sample.int(15, 100, TRUE)`, we do `c(1:15, sample.int(15, 85, TRUE))`.
thanks for the image @gaborcsardi! I had seen `rhub` can be used to _run tests_ with noLD but didn't have luck getting to the image before. understood & basically agree...
Just some thoughts... I'm content enough having the image Gabor mentioned that this could be closed as you see fit from now.
Partially addresses #21 -- this removes the hard dependency on 'maptools', so that downstream packages can depend on 'hydroTSM' without incurring an implicit dependency on 'maptools'. Migration work will need...
~Hmm, I tried pinning our GHA to R4.3 and still got a segfault:~ ~https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/pull/6540/commits/ab676f475f6fa32f8b91ab74e64469b25f98db02~ Scratch that, I _guess_ it was a caching issue fixed by switching to the "latest" codecov...