Michael McMahon
Michael McMahon
Hi @raenjamio, LDAP is not supported by Oracle R2DBC currently. I believe that Oracle JDBC would use blocking network I/O to communicate with the LDAP server. So if we were...
I've not had any spare cycles to work on non-blocking LDAP requests in Oracle JDBC. Just taking a moment to see how JDBC implements this, it looks to be built...
The blocking API I see Oracle JDBC call is javax.naming.DirContext.getAttributes(String, String[]) https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.naming/javax/naming/directory/DirContext.html#getAttributes(java.lang.String,java.lang.String%5B%5D) I get the sense that this getAttributes method will make a blocking network request (but I'm not familiar...
I'm finishing up another project at the moment, but I'll want to come back to this in the next week. LDAP support is now the top feature request. We will...
I've made some progress on this and would like to check in with @umangsingh123, @raenjamio, or anyone else who may be interested in this feature. Below is a working draft...
I've been pulled into some unrelated work for the last few days. I think I'll come back to this today or tomorrow though. One thing that would be helpful is...
To be clear: Do not share your LDAP server info here. I'm only suggesting that you could test out the changes in your own environment.
I've pushed the branch just now: https://github.com/oracle/oracle-r2dbc/tree/40-ldap-support
Yes, you can create a config.properties file if you'd like. Or, you can build without tests by add -DskipTests=true to the mvn command line.
Thanks for the update. Your effort is appreciated.