Michael McMahon
Michael McMahon
Oracle R2DBC relies on the underlying Oracle JDBC driver to return generated values/keys, and Oracle JDBC only supports this for INSERT/UPDATE, not for DELETE. Currently, there's no plan to add...
Not quite a code example, but I do have test code that binds an out parameter with RETURNING INTO: https://github.com/oracle/oracle-r2dbc/blob/068cf0f4268d4d11789932eed1651010b0456327/src/test/java/oracle/r2dbc/impl/OracleStatementImplTest.java#L1454 The test code is executing an INSERT, but it I...
I think it's great you've employed a secure practice of rotating your password on the regular. Oracle R2DBC should definitely add support for this. I like the idea of a...
Awesome. Thanks for bringing this use case up.
Really appreciate the discussion here. If this functionality is needed across drivers, then an SPI enhancement seems like the right thing versus an Oracle specific extension. I'm dealing with some...
This is a great thing to point out! There is currently no way to bind user defined types (UDT)s. I think we should first check with the R2DBC SPI project:...
Thinking about this a bit more. I'm not seeing the need to change the Parameters SPI. I'll flesh out the solution more, please let me know what I'm missing. The...
That's awesome @nirmalhk7 ! Please be sure to review our contributors guide: https://github.com/oracle/oracle-r2dbc/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-code Thank you!!!
I think you're right; The bufferUntilChanged operator has a call to person.get("id"). I suspect the get(String) method is implemented to call getColumnNames(), as the "id" string looks like a column...
Spring R2DBC v5.3.20 depends on R2DBC-BOM vArabba-SR13 https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/e0f56e7d80a4e1248198e40be99157dbd8f594af/build.gradle#L33 R2DBC-BOM vArabba-SR13 depends on R2DBC-SPI 0.8.6.RELEASE https://github.com/r2dbc/r2dbc-bom/blob/7f814fe16d7edbb1a25e58a61e2a84400a84573b/pom.xml#L44 So it is "correct" for Spring R2DBC 5.3.20 to call the deprecated method. In the...