Albertas Mickėnas

Results 18 comments of Albertas Mickėnas

Chirp is not ment for proper installations, just play around with a pot nearby. For proper performance look into standalone I2C sensor

Yes I do. The whole thing is licenced under CERN OHL licence.

Fw - I dunno, never cared to choose. Say, GPL2?

Thank you for the catch! I will address it in my next batch.

Now when I think about this more - disabling BOD might be a bad idea resulting in a corrupted flash, don't you think?

I can't get AP to work in ESP 2.0.4 and WifiManager 2.0.12-beta on ESP32-C3. Even WiFiManager.cpp:717 patch does not work.

I have tried the ` _disableSTAConn=false` mod, but still no AP. It's really late here, I will try a clean experiment tomorrow.

I have done a clean install via platformio. This is my platformio.ini: ``` [env:local] platform=espressif32 framework = arduino board = esp32-c3-devkitm-1 board_build.f_cpu = 160000000L lib_deps = ``` I am...

Hi there, good idea! Send me the pull request, I will see how it goes. Thanks! On December 24, 2019 1:02:06 PM GMT+02:00, la7dja wrote: >Hi > >I think it...