I'm getting the same error on Ubuntu 18.04.4 running node version v8.11.4 and hurl version 1.1.4 Everything works fine until I go to run npm install in the /healthcare-payments-blockchain directory....
It may be worth noting that I'm behind a proxy using environment variables to hold the proxy authentication.
@instameddevelopment No, I was able to install curl git docker.io docker-compose golang python as well as NPM and the Fabric docker instance without issue. npm install of instamed is the...
@instameddevelopment in my env /home/blockchain/hyperledger-fabric-network/fabric-binaries/1.4.0/ is empty. In the root account in fabric-smaples/bin/ there is a cryptogen file. When i bash the Fabric bootstrap.sh I successfully pull the following docker...
Sorry @instameddevelopment I posted the wrong git issue before. Apparently someone had solved that hurl new command issue with a different docker.io/docker-compose version. I wish they had posted which version...
My current docker --version output is: Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c
@instameddevelopment Thank you so much for helping me with this. The contents of the /home/blockchain/hyperledger-fabric-network/ are: artifacts configtx.yaml fabric-binaries binaries.sh crypto-config.yaml generator.sh Where artifacts and fabric-binaries are directories. When I...
@instameddevelopment yes, when I bash the binaries.sh it shows this output: Installing Hyperledger Fabric binaries Binaries exist already Checking IMAGES ===> Pulling fabric Images ==> FABRIC IMAGE: peer 1.4.0: Pulling...
Here's the complete output when I attempt npm install: blockchain@ubuntufabric:~/healthcare-payments-blockchain$ npm install > [email protected] install /home/blockchain/healthcare-payments-blockchain > npm-run-all -s lerna:install > [email protected] lerna:install /home/blockchain/healthcare-payments-blockchain > lerna bootstrap lerna notice cli...
@instameddevelopment yes, that's the whole output when running the binaries script. When I test 'npm init' by following this example, npm functions as expected. https://threejs.org/docs/#manual/en/buildTools/Testing-with-NPM