In the previous caffe implementation, the GPU/CPU switching is controlled by SyncedMemory class. How can I achieve this in caffe2? Should I specify the functions, such as cudaMemcpy, in our...
Thanks for sharing this code. I have followed your update on mergelayer branch where the recognition part is implemented. However, there is still some issues regrading to data parallel. I...
Hi, thanks for the open source project. When I trying to compile from source code using VisualStudio 2017, the solution always prompts: could not find the header #include "MpiTraceEvents.h" (mpitrace.h)...
When I trying to import FCN8s onnx model generated from PyTorch, the following error occurs: "op_type {} is currently not supported for NNP conversion". After checking the code, we found...
In the metrics.py, the overall accuracy is computed as: acc = np.diag(hist).sum() / hist.sum() In fact, h OA = (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN) following the fomular in ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusion_matrix It is probable the TN...
Hi, thanks for sharing this wonderful repo. I found that there is a function space_to_depth defined as follows: def space_to_depth(input, block_size): block_size = int(block_size) block_size_sq = block_size * block_size output...
当前mindcv提供的backbone在分割、检测下游任务迁移,存在如下问题: 参考示例:https://github.com/mindspore-lab/models/blob/master/official/cv/OCRNet/README.md 1. 多尺度特征的获取: 针对没有skip-connection的模型,如vgg系列,backbone的多尺度特征无法获取,需要提供可获取模型特征的方法 2. 大模型缺乏特征unpatchfy机制。 transformer系列(vistformer、swin_transformer、vit等)其中,vistformer、swin_transformer仅能以固定的尺寸224、386作为特征提取器,并且不能进行多尺度特征提取;vit的提取器,除了固定尺寸、不能抽取多尺度特征的问题外,docoder部分不能剥离图片分类任务,直接将[B,C,H,W]的特征用于分割任务。 3. 所有的backbone特征,没有提供特征冻结接口,不能进行仅部分参数微调,需要全量微调,导致训练效率降低,所有下游模型模型参数都需要从头训练。
Hi, greate work! I've successfully compiled the across win/linux platform. And I tried to do some modification to the current version that related to the GPU memory management issue. How...
Thanks for providing the traning source for FM model. I notice that there is the scripts **_fourm/vq/__init__.py_** to pause the pre-trained tokens. However, there is no scripts that can parse...