patchrom_miui copied to clipboard
The miui resources, apks, framework jars and the modified framework source code
Please provide HDPI resources or at least provide a solution for devices under 320dpi
when try to recieve /make call phone restart allways
modify the Mms.apk to fix the bug about notification bar popups blank when receive a message , it must signapk be platform key
Hello, any edits do not need under the MTK? you can collect?
Well. I have make the rom full work almostly, but there is still a bug with Install apps. After I run CleanMaster and make a clean , then reboot ,I...
some apps cant get root access, like link2sd. please update su
有些OEM商在原机servicemanager中是加了自己的服务给特定UID的, 但v6直接替换了直接加载就会出错了, 能不能设计某种机制自动或者手动(配置文件)的读取allowed配置到内存中以解决这个问题?
Resource has Problem cannot bringup the device
On MIUIv6 Kitkat, this 2 apps wont let install or update apps from Google Play Market on various devices. like one plus one, Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One M8. Please...