> Out of curiosity; the files say they were automatically generated by pandoc. What is the original info that was fed into pandoc to generate these? The markdown docs...
We could use as a source directly, it's just a matter of converting to man page format using pandoc, but then those won't follow manual page format convention like...
I don't understand your screenshot example. In that `get_tx_key ` should return the `tx_key`, but we have an error?
@reemuru RPC call can parse message inside double quotes like here So I think this is an inconsistency issue. The use of message string also wasn't clear to me...
> Strangely enough, it works with single word message but the signature turns out to be bad when check with check_reserve_proof. Other than that, get_reserve_proof works fine with just the...
@plowsof thank you for working on this.