Laurent Orseau

Results 96 comments of Laurent Orseau

I've made a [package]( that can be straightforwardly used with Racket, as a drop-in replacement for `define` and `lambda`. All the bells and whistles (curried define, keywords, good error messages...

@rocketnia Thanks for the feedback, that's quite helpful. **Slight variation**: That's right, it's not a slight variation, and it doesn't convey the meaning you intended—apologies for this approximation. What I...

These are very useful comments, thanks! Here's an example with the (implemented) refined design. This code: ```racket (define (foo #:! a #:? [b 3] #:? [c 2]) (values a b...

(also, that would be a nice use of immutable boxes :smiley: )

Pushed to `define2`. Thanks for your help!

I think Racket's current setting is quite good. Basically, allow everything in identifiers except (), [], {} and | | (except when used inside | |). The rule is simple...

More generally, some keybindings don't seem to work. For example, I have a menu item bound to 'c:s:t' (from a quickscript). The callback is triggered properly via the menus, but...

For such cases usually I just do: ```racket (define testo (λ (x) (values ;onceo (conde ((== 'tea x) succeed) ((== 'cup x) succeed) (else fail))))) ``` `#;` would in principle...

@jackfirth Of course this kind of thread can only devolve into Opinion wars, but I still can't resist :) > After someone mentally expands the abbreviation This would be true...