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AdaFusion: Visual-LiDAR Fusion with Adaptive Weights for Place Recognition
Hello author!In the image data file of the NCLT dataset, there are six camera folders, each corresponding to each camera in the Ladybug3 system, labeled Cam0 through Cam5. Which camera...
Can you provide the process of configuring the environment?Looking forward to hearing from you
Thank you for providing details on train/test split in #2 ! However, one important question remains. Did you used testing procedure similar to the PointNetVLAD's Oxford RobotCar, where for each...
Hello author, thank you very much for the code of adafusion, here I have a question. I would like to ask if it is reasonable to make a direct comparison...
Can you provide code for making train/test splits for NCLT dataset or at least prepared train/test pickles? Without those file it is impossible to make a fair comparison of different...