I agree with John that it's unlikely it was actually eaten by the shell. I had it quoted and I made a tiny test case (basically a print_r of $argv)...
Never mind. It definitely **is** related to the shell, specifically Powershell in this case. I just tried running it in the regular shell (that is cmd.exe) and it works fine...
> @Meryl Try running echo twig/twig:^3.0 and echo "twig/twig:^3.0" in Powershell (echo is a built-in alias for Write-Host). In both cases for me it produces twig/twig:^3.0. For me also.
Yeah, I see the warning when I run the command on that version. I'm not sure exactly how much this would've helped me find out it was actually eating my...
I don't have xdebug installed on this machine, so I don't see that making a difference. I tried it nonetheless, but as expected this didn't change anything. I cloned Composer...
That seems to be it. My composer.bat contains: ``` @echo OFF :: in case DelayedExpansion is on and a path contains ! setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION php "%~dp0composer.phar" %* ``` I replaced...
It seems that Powershell basically passes the arguments to the batch file in such a way that quotes etc. aren't preserved. It would explain why it needs double escaping, once...
It's speculation from my end, but I suspect the reasoning behind this request is due to people using the *Open/Close Inventory*-key to try to close the GUI. This is technically...
> Would you consider this _not_ to be a valid reference? > > I do see _some_ bad references which I'll clear up, but I'm wondering if you're claiming _all_...
Interesting. I think this falls under what I consider in my edit, as what I think isn't exactly paradoxical but I'm lacking a different name for. But if we consider...