Vesa Piittinen

Results 12 comments of Vesa Piittinen

Here is an improvement suggestion: ```js export function compile(node) { // backwards compatibility: if only one node child then unwrap the element from fragment if (node.nodeType === 11 && node.childNodes.length...

I give you +1 for figuring out a unique solution! Last weekend I went through quite a many React BEM utilities, but didn't notice yours at that time - there...

I'm not entirely disinterested on the project, but I didn't get things complete before other things took their toll and getting this done requires pushing a lot of state into...

Hi! Sorry for responding so very late. This is currently a [limitation of React (issue 14292)]( as it is impossible to pass context when executing `renderToStaticMarkup` on client side. And...

I decided to instead do a rewrite with compatible API and instead of using hooks I will simply modernize the current code, tooling, and remove all legacy stuff targetting compatibility...

I released the first beta for v2.0! It includes both new rewritten class components mostly compatible with v1 components as well as the new `useTabbordion` hook. I still need to...

Thanks for reporting and sorry for responding half a year late! Due to React deprecations over the years causing trouble with the code I'm working on a modernized rewrite. In...

It is a rule I probably should've re-thought about years ago, but the background is that the original HTML + CSS structure of these tabs worked even as far back...

_shameless advertizing_ You can use [react-lazy]( to achieve this so the carousel component doesn't need to become more complex than it already is. _/shameless advertizing_

@david-owens-akqa Right now it still lacks the feature of finding the proper nearest parent element of true visibility. So the full visible viewport works as a comparison point. This works...