
Results 30 comments of klein

From what I know, there have a parameter called `code_verifier` throughout the whole process. that's different for other providers. May need keep this verifier in others place. I have a...

This library only support send requests by the `Graph API` provided by the facebook. So I don't konw your mean?

> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/server-sent-events/endpoints/live-comments/ This may a stream request, Maybe you can try it. Just set the request mode to `stream`. And another way, I think you can use the webhook provided...

This #211 cover the Server-Sent-Events API. :)

Hey sorry for late reply, I think [`httpx`](https://github.com/encode/httpx) maybe choice, But recently I don't have enough time to do it. May need some time.

Yes, Now the id list only accept less than 50. You need call this method more times.

Yes, this library only have DATA API, Not have Streaming API now. :)

I guess this error caused by the implicit parameter `maxResults`, I will check it, and try to do something like group the id list.