Kyle Mercer
Kyle Mercer
Hi folks. It looks like Home Assistant and GitHub are pointing to 2.1.0, instead of the latest version 2.2.0. This could be due to the way the author managed the...
@Mythical-Forest-Collective Might have more feedback. Looks fine otherwise.
Did we want to merge this in?
The alternative seems to be `package.json` and leveraging the `main` field instead.
> config.yml has not been the standard since Grakkit v5. package.json is the standard and will be going forward! I don't agree with this. * That violates our second principle,...
I think we can check for a set of supported files? * Does `grakkit.json` or `.grakkitrc` file exist? Load that JSON. * Does `config.yml` exist? Load that YML. * Does...
As an example, NodeJS Plugins do support configs coming from different files; it just depends on what we support. For example, eslint has `.eslintrc`, `eslintrc.json`, `eslintrc.js`, or as part of...
Why would grakkit's configuration behave differently from the eslint configuration? It should behave the same across all files in all the same ways. It should not matter what platform the...
No matter the platform, you can solve that with a single configuration schema with documentation (which is key). You don't necessarily need to abstract into multiple files for specific platforms....
I have a server of 2-3 active players (5 at most) prepping for a new server. Been using StackMob for a month and the server has started to degrade in...