Marek Jacob

Results 8 comments of Marek Jacob

A) One could suggest always returning MaskedArrays, as long as the auto-masking is turned on. But this would introduce MaskedArray into code, that was never aware of having any missing...

As I pointed out in my example, MaskedArrays are unfortunately not a drop-in replacement for arrays, at least in these edge cases, that rely on functions returning nan for invalid...

>There is always a _FillValue - if it's not set explicitly, then the C library uses the type-dependent default value. If you create a variable and don't write any data...

But do people expect that values equal to the default fill value are actually missing? Do people at all expect to have missing values, if _FillValue is not set explicitly?...

Does the #787 patch convert everything into MaskedArray, so even a coordinate vector? Under most of all circumstances, I expect a coordinate vector to have have no missing values. Or...

Hi Jeff, as most of my code is not expecting to read in any data as MaskedArray at all, I am not very happy with your recent merge. I will...

@akrherz I posted my answer ( into the pullrequests thread, because I think it is more related to that change than to my initial issue posted here.

I am looking for the same option. A quick and wrong solution is adding this as Line 106 to video-embed-privacy.php: ``` $embedText = preg_replace('~feature=oembed~', 'feature=oembed&rel=0', $embedText); ``` But it would...