
Results 74 comments of Menotdan

shouldn't it be `import queue as Queue`, to prevent problems from `self.pq = Queue.PriorityQueue()`?

Why doesn't it support Linux? What are the issues?

@Futseh thats what i did

@Futseh I wonder if its because we use a 64bit enviroment?

i use ubuntu 64 bit and it compiles just fine

Also for reading the kernel from the second stage bootloader in protected mode, you should read all your data using int 13h to an address below 1 mib, then copy...

@mafiesto4 Is there a reason this was left open?

@mafiesto4 Is there a reason this is open still? @Crawcik Could you confirm whether or not this bug still occurs on the latest Flax version? If you still have the...