Here the code I use `def serial_ports(): return [p.device for p in]` Which appear to trig DTR signal. Seem like it try to connect to the port when it...
[WARN] [1647201164.026832, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface. I using ROS Noetic I check for "rosservice list | grep controller_manager" and got /controller_manager/list_controller_types /controller_manager/list_controllers /controller_manager/load_controller /controller_manager/reload_controller_libraries...
I try to limit the torque that produce from damped rotary spring by setting the property "max_force" but clearly it doesn't work. Seem like the torque only take stiffness and...
I use MPU6886 and I need to read/write acc/gyro offset value for calibrating IMU. please add these feature to your library. regard
In MahonyAHRS.cpp specify update frequency to 25Hz but the example use delay of 1000 ms. So the algorith is wrong and this code is useless.
Are there any method to add stl display to tkinter window?