
Results 39 issues of Menci

### Clear and concise description of the problem Vite's some internal plugins uses the internal helper function `fileToUrl`, which emits asset file to dev-server/bundle and return a URL for using...

enhancement: pending triage
p2-to-be-discussed :cake:



The method to add web workers is a little complex. I finally figured out the way to chain the CRA's Babel loader and WebWorker loader: Will my request be...

Tree-sitter supports incremental parsing, which can be accessed via `tree.edit`. But {Syntax Highlighter} just parse the code and generate a new tree every time. This will lost the efficiency advantage...

Sometimes we really need to visit a Internet service to get our IP address such as when we are in a LAN in a LAN in a LAN... But the...

I want to run `ddns` as a daemon, in `systemd` so my DNS can be updated in real time. You can implemente this feature by add a option `--daemon` and...

``` Menci@Menci-Surface:~$ lspci 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Skylake Host Bridge/DRAM Registers (rev 08) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520 (rev 07) 00:05.0 Multimedia controller: Intel Corporation...


体验了十分钟,发现的已知问题有: * 在 gsd-xsettings 后启动的 App,字体 DPI 设置丢失,无法正确适配 HiDPI * 托盘 fcitx 图标变模糊,似乎是被识别为 GNOME 桌面

My `xvlog` is installed NOT in `$PATH`, how can I use `xvlog` as the linter?

## Bug Report ### Steps `` ### Expected Result When no characters enter, the result list with "no results found" message won't show. ### Actual Result Just like `minCharacters={0}`, it...
