Hello, @schmart95 The quality scores are calculated when cuteSV detects the SV genotypes. So the `--genotype` parameter should be added to enable the calculation of quality scores. Hope it will...
Hello, @baozg Sorry for my late reply. This has been fixed in the newest version. Please git clone cuteSV via GitHub and install it. Hope it will help. Best, Shuqi
Hi, @tillea Thanks for your advice! I'll fix it in the next released version. Best regards, Shuqi
Hello, @pkerbs Thanks for your valuable advice! In fact this dependencies brought inconvenience to the installation. There is an easier way to solve it by downgrading setuptools by `pip install...
Hello, @pkerbs I have created a virtual python environment through `conda`, and I ran the installation by the following command: ``` # create the environment conda create -n cutesv_env python=3.9.5...
Hello Paul, That's nice! I'm glad to hear the success. I'll come back to this issue when the next version is released. Best, Shuqi
Hello, @hyunjokoo The representation of the INFO fields are provided in the header of the VCF file, and the details are listed below: `RE` represents the number of read support...
Hello, @wk1352313 This problem has been fixed in the newest version (2.1.0) of cuteSV. You can install the new version via `git clone && cd cuteSV/ && python
Hello, @dennishendriksen In cuteSV, the content of REF column is extracted from the input reference genome, so that the R nucleotides comes from the reference genome. For the three questions...
Hello @huangrongbioinfomation _Truvari_ is used to obtain these benchmark results.