Very useful! Using ESP32 fork referenced above with "transact" and I2C driver.cpp mods to the MLX90640 works for me on ESP32 but still get no ack serial message from the...
Nodemcu is ESP8266 is ESP-12 not -32 so not quite the same topic? My experience with Wemos D1 mini ESP-12 (above) was not the best; it sorta worked. Others who...
I think your readings are that high because Finland is either in hell or you're on way there for taking pictures in the sauna:) I got two sensors working well...
Hi . For I2c to work you need the pull-up resistors on the data lines, and supply line caps of the MLX datasheet application, or as per Sparkfun board schematic....
petrrpancon - I would be interested in the code when finished. I'm trying to connect a single ESP32 client to multiple identical BLE motion sensors (with different addresses) at the...
Amcolash. Thank You. Above code you provided solved problem for me, but I needed to use older JSON library version as current sketch gives compile error member "measure Length";...
Thanks. As newbie not entirely sure what you're suggesting in lieu of this Arduino example IFTTT maker sketch issue. Suspect using something along lines of ESP8266 BasicHTTPClient or BasicHTTPSClient for...
Thanks. That basic example method is a much simpler direct approach avoiding the whole issue.