Meitar Reihan
Meitar Reihan
> There's no special filter (right now) – tables are just parsed as a special kind of HTML tag, so you can use `filter_tags`. For example: > > ```python >...
> Yo Meitar so I dont understand, which version is good? > For me, the 0.5.1 version return empty array, and the main branch is returning this error: > `Err(CommandFailed(ExitStatus(ExitStatus(65280)),...
When will it be released? I see that the milestone is already passed due, can't wait for the new features 🙏
I would change/add to it `fail_on_not_matched` to fail if the type/commits were not matched by any of the `commit_parsers` (this way it won't collide with other configurations that git-cliff allows...
> @MeitarR smart! do you want to give it a shot? Sure, I'll see if I'll make it today (if not then I can't promise when) Do you have a...
Another option here will be to have an option to specify a "base" config and then add things above it (or an "include" statement) in the toml. Or the same...