I guess it make sense to do it manually like that, I just wonder if the library have it by default or not lol. Oh well
Hey there, I happened to do this exact thing recently (using redux persist along side redux dynamic module) and here's how I did it have a normal config for your...
> @MegazeroMZ can you give a better example on how/when/where you are calling `persistStore.persist();` ? So continue with what I already have in the previous post, let's say I have...
> @MegazeroMZ thanks, I already figured it out and it works. > > Also it is worth mentioning that the `PersistGate` component is not working with `redux-dynamic-modules`. When I tried...
@sonakshisaxena1 @nick-gibb "loaders" is deprecated, use "Rule.use" instead. Also on a side note I think you can use a different dependency called "babel-preset-env" instead of es2015 since its kinda old
@shuvo0074 something like this `module: { rules: [ { use: [ { loader: "babel-loader", query: { presets: ["env", "react", "stage-2"] } } ] } ] }`