
Results 8 issues of Megamannen

This still checks the hosts My compose: ```yaml version: '3.7' services: tunnel: image: jnovack/autossh container_name: tunnel environment: - SSH_REMOTE_USER=pi - SSH_REMOTE_HOST=docker.lan - SSH_REMOTE_PORT=22 - SSH_TUNNEL_PORT=2222 - SSH_TARGET_HOST= - SSH_TARGET_PORT=22 -...

I suggest that the destination mounting point should be something like /config/id_rsa instead of /id_rsa so we can mount a volume to /config that contains both id_rsa and known_hosts You...

Using this sample [resizable]( When starting with ```rs let mut resizable = true; let window = WindowBuilder::new() .with_title("Hit space to toggle resizability.") .with_inner_size(LogicalSize::new(220.0, 90.0)) .with_resizable(resizable) .build(&event_loop) .unwrap(); ``` It starts...

type: bug
platform: Linux
status: needs triage

Removed section about different profile location and instead used `$profile` variable

First wrote #3281 But I don't know, I think this is the same, but keeping the old one for history in case I'm wrong Attached project to reproduce it [](

Probable solution is be able to set the locale of the underlying db or table maybe? ### 👟 Reproduction steps Noticble with ÅÄÖ åäö in Finnish (and Swedish) Add a...

product / databases

~2015 board that launches an applet that crashes without these changes

If I am logged in on device A and device B. 1. Device B logs out 2. Device A gets the logout event and replaces whole state with the ended...