Results 9 comments of Meekdai




python-mode 也许可以帮助你,我已经在windows成功配置了哦。

Thanks @robert-hh It works with machine.spi. So the following documentation needs to be modified

I think ESP32 S2 S3 can completely follow the way of RP2(#7402 ) first, and it is up to the user to decide whether to use MSC or not. ```...

I am going to use ESP32-S3 to run an IPV6 web server, and I can access index.html in ESP32-S3 FLASH on any networked device through IPV6 address. Can version 2.0.4...

Hi @nuclearcat I don't know how to use this PR, I just installed the package containing esp32 2.0.4 on my windows PC.