
Results 5 comments of Meandron

We're seeing this issue as well since we run regular live and health checks on the ServiceBus using AddAzureServiceBusQueue() to register the actual check. If you need more information please...

When I run the following code from a local console app, no exception is raised. The code more or less corresponds to the one in the AzureServiceBusQueueHealthCheck: ` static async...

> When I run the following code from a local console app, no exception is raised. The code more or less corresponds to the one in the AzureServiceBusQueueHealthCheck: > >...

`while (true) { ServiceBusAdministrationClient managementClient = new ServiceBusAdministrationClient(MYCON); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); var x = await managementClient.GetQueueRuntimePropertiesAsync(MYQUEUE, CancellationToken.None); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed Time is {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Thread.Sleep(1000); }` Executed...

Yes, it is still there. We worked around it by creating our own HealthCheck class which does pretty much the same but only logs warnings as otherwise our logs get...