
Results 8 comments of Vidur

@ashtuchkin I encountered the exact same problem you mentioned in your initial error. I am running a Node server on a Xenial VM on GCP and after running my app.js...

@ashtuchkin Yes certainly. I don't bundle my app.js since it's not a very big file and it just needs to act as a server for a few features. I simply...

Ah I can see why the confusion has risen haha. I meant to say @dbussert had said that reinstalling it works. So after I have deployed the application through my...

My pipeline isn't "transferring" any contents because in my repository I don't have any `node_modules` folder, only the `package.json` file. I'm using a gitlab runner for my CI pipeline, if...

@ashtuchkin I actually figured out why I was getting that error dump. When I logged into the VM in my `api` directory I saw no `node_modules` folder. But since I...

@ashtuchkin Yes, you are correct! I do have another question through, why didn't `app.js` complain about `body-parser` not being found(since `node_modules` didn't exist) before jumping straight to `../encodings`? Is it...

Aha that clears it up pretty much. Thanks for taking out your time to help me @ashtuchkin!

I doubt this is an issue with `react-google-charts` but you can define an `onClick` on the pie chart and in that `onClick` you can do ```let location = useHistory();location.push("/whereverYouWantToGo")```