Ivan Gaydamakin

Results 10 issues of Ivan Gaydamakin

Hello! Maybe its bug, i wanna report it. So, we have Class: ``` @interface TFResponse : NSObject @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL status; @property(nonatomic, weak) NSDictionary *data; @end ``` And DICT: ```...


Hello! My setup: - Xcode 7.3 - iOS 9.3 - socket.io swift 6.0.0 Description: After fail answer from server, client open again connection, try use emitWithAck and... nothing. On 5.5.0...

Added new animation like in "nodejs" version. Screenshot: ![simulator screen shot 8 jun 2017 11 36 35](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/892182/26919580-f0744a6e-4c3e-11e7-80d3-d962f326d284.png)

Possible made filtering system's translation keys to InfoPlist.strings? ex. keys: NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, NSCameraUsageDescription

I mean: Directory: .idea File: *.iml

Hello! i tried use this: ``` package main import ( "github.com/codeskyblue/go-sh" "log" "fmt" ) func main() { port := uint(1) session := sh.NewSession() session.ShowCMD = true out, err := session.Command("/Users/Ivan/Downloads/redis-3.2.3/src/redis-server",...

Hello! I have question. I have this code: ``` session := sh.NewSession() session.SetTimeout(time.Second * 30) session.ShowCMD = true session.SetDir(repositoryPath) session.Command( "rm", "-f", archiveFile, "&&", "git", "archive", branchName, "--format", "tar", "--output",...

``` # Ivan @ Ivans-MacBook-Pro in ~ [11:30:13] C:1 $ pod try RaisinToast Updating spec repositories CocoaPods 1.0.1 is available. To update use: `gem install cocoapods` Until we reach version...

When I tried to use this code: ``` body = Build( build_type_id=self._tc_build_configuration_id, branch_name=branch_name, ) print(self._tc.build_queues.queue_new_build(body=body, move_to_top=True)) ``` I got error: ``` File "C:\Users\megap\PycharmProjects\Jira2TeamCity\venv\lib\site-packages\dohq_teamcity\api_client.py", line 373, in request body=body) File "C:\Users\megap\PycharmProjects\Jira2TeamCity\venv\lib\site-packages\dohq_teamcity\rest.py",...
