
Results 4 issues of McModknower

The merge function in the view files segment can't use encrypted input files. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a password protected pdf 2. got to "View Files" 3. Select...


replying to ;compile \`\`\`python code \`\`\` lets the bot detect the correct language. However when replying to ;compile python \`\`\` code \`\`\` the bot errors because it doesn't detect any...

In #105 you said this: > Hi - this is normal behavior. When you reply to a message the bot assumes that what you're replying to contains a code block...


In line 292 of GlyphUnlockMenu#onGlyphClick(Button button) there is a check that i is not more than the number of buttons. However the maximum button index is one less, so the...