Mike McGregor
Mike McGregor
Its a good thought but I think in my case the smi_stream_dev.ko wasn't built. I'm unable to find the module anywhere in the cariboulite dir structure or anywhere under /...
I didn't find a build log so I just reran install.sh and captured stderr and stdout. Looks like there are two problems. KERNELHEADERS_DIR not found and needing sudo to run...
This build was just a basic fresh install of the current 64Bit bullseye on a Pi 4, 8G. The /usr/src dir contains `linux-headers-6.1.19+ linux-headers-6.1.19-v7+ linux-headers-6.1.19-v7l+ sense-hat `
Linux raspberrypi 6.1.19-v8+ #1637 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 14 11:11:47 GMT 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Ok - I'll create the softlink. What should they point too (I'm new at this)
Yeah, that gives me a fatal error, looks like I'll need the real headers. I think I'll try building a fresh version and use the 32bit OS. and if that...
Yeah, I think the 64bit version is a little bit behind the 32bit version. No big deal to just reflash the image and see what happens. I did try updating...
@hudouseko I'm trying to do the same. I see the src code for the headers but not sure of the steps to compile them. Could you be specific in the...