Pekka Harjamäki
Pekka Harjamäki
Are you using mac? If yes, have you made sure that your vmware fusion + vagrant works properly? If you are using windows or vagrant with virtualbox, this vagrantfile doesn't...
I think that it should be possible to install this whole stack to windows. Recent version of WAMP supports magento 2.2 and then you just need to download node.js 8.x.x...
If people choose to use adblock, you really shouldn't contribute to the problem by trying to circumvent adblocker. Trying to sneak ads/trackers past adblockers is basically free advertisement for adblockers....
Hi, can you provide some example topic that does not work with the current implementation?
You are missing connect method before subscribe. I've created new version of the library (1.0.1) which should now give out more sensible error message is this kind of case.
Afaik PHP doesn't have native websocket support. You should use the SSL-port on cloudmqtt.
I tested the library against "cute cat" plan on cloudmqtt and had no problems. Could you tell me the PHP version you are using and the topic you are subscribing...
I tried this code on PHP 5.6.31 and didn't get any errors: -- clip clip clip -- $client = new LibMQTT\Client("",20381,"ClientID".rand()); $client->setCryptoProtocol("tls"); $client->setVerbose(1); $client->setAuthDetails("xxxxx", "xxxxxxx"); $client->connect(); $client->publish("test", "Test message 1",...
Can you connect to the server (and subscribe to topic) without using tls ?