Results 9 issues of Mazesch

Changed `addPureModifier(Issue issue, IssueResolutionAcceptor acceptor)` to also remove the `view` modifier and changed it's text to match all cases Fixed #296

The following code has a quickfix which should change the mutability to "pure" but it does nothing. ```Solidity pragma solidity ^0.5.4; contract Contract { function id(uint a) external returns (uint)...

The following code gives way too many quickfix options, even though only some may be appropriate. ```Solidity pragma solidity ^0.5.4; contract Contract { function id(uint a) returns (uint) { return...

The following code produces two quickfix options although only one should be shown. Note that one disappears after contract A is removed from the code. This might be connected to...

The suggestion for the following code(which is missing a visibillity) is "Make this function 'external'" "Make this function 'external'" although the visibillity should be 'public' or 'internal'; note that one...


code example: ```Solidity pragma solidity ^0.5.9; contract Test { function test(uint[1] a) public returns (uint){ return a[0]; } } ```

code example: ```Solidity contract Contract { constructor () public {} } ```

The quickfix option 'Use 'pure' instead.' should change the keyword to 'pure' instead of 'view'. The quickfix option 'Use 'view' instead.' does nothing. ```Solidity pragma solidity ^0.5.4; contract Contract {...
