Mikhail M
Mikhail M
I would be greate if there were version designed with PyWin32 WindowService Framework.
This file reads without any problem by Paint, Windows 11 Photo Viewer and exiftool.exe, but when I try to open it by this library I got ``` ExifLibrary.NotValidJPEGFileException: Not a...
Now your Nuget-package depends on .NetStandard.Library v1.3 which makes DLL hell in the project: See microsoft recomendation here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/net-standard?tabs=net-standard-2-0#which-net-standard-version-to-target: > If you need to support .NET Standard 1.x, we recommend...
It's rather boaring to aim and click on [+] icon every time I want to expand a region on the Code Nav panel. It would be great If I can...
It would be very usefull if this tool coud download files & folders, not just upload them. So, this tool can help you to migrate from OneDrive to OneDrive for...