Max G J Panas
Max G J Panas
Error thrown: > Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientHeight' of undefined > webpack:///./~/smoothscroll-for-websites/SmoothScroll.js:401 Use case: I have smoothscroll active on a given page I have a modal script that when...
I have a page with multiple elements whose content pjax controls and each of those might use a different "switch" to swap the old content out for the new. After...
Seriously. I've been working with Webpack for over a year, putting stuff together from bits over there, bits over here. After reading this tutorial I finally feel like its all...
What do you think of having other flavors of the answers? Clearly labelled of course. for example: - answers using modern es6+ JavaScript syntax, - answers using current es5 syntax...
In the guide you mention that JS should only touch data attributes or classes starting with `.js-` and that: > You shouldn't style those classes: they are to be used...
As per issue